This image was created in the shadow of a building entrance. The open sky was the main light source but since the subject was in the shade, there's no separation between the hair and the background.
By adding a small flash unit on a light stand and triggered by a radio slave, a hair light can be created to add more separation between the subject and the background.
What do I use for the hair light? It's a simple Vivitar 285HV mounted on a Cheetah light stand.

It's triggered by a Radio Slave. The brand doesn't matter but it does need to be dependable. The ones I currently use are Pocket Wizards but I also have a set of Cactus triggers and receivers which I have found to be pretty dependable. I also have a Youngbu set which I haven't tested on my normal flash units.
This is my current setup. It's normally raised a lot higher as I need to avoid any of the flash hitting the camera lens. If it hits the lens one will have the tendency to have flare. I normally don't like flare as it muddies the image.
This is what it looks like when the camera triggers the flash.
At one time I was a fan of cloudy days as it allowed me to have a soft light. I kind of prefer bright sunny days now as the light level is higher and I have more options as to what I want my images to look like
This was taken on a cloudy day out in the open. Because the light comes from all over (primarily on top), one gets the raccoon eye look. The light is soft though.
I wanted a more distinct hair light so I set up my flash unit high and behind the subject. Now there is a glow off the top of the head leading to more separation of the head from the background. Since the light is still coming from above, we still have the raccoon eyes.
How to fix? Get a reflector and place it below the subject's face. That will add light into the shadow area brightening up the face.
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